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"Live life to the fullest, and find the story in everything".  For the past six years now that has been the mantra that I have tried live by everyday. This all started when I dropped out of a major in architecture  at Arizona State University and upon returning home the casual stories I told to my friends eventually developed into a refined set that I could be seen telling on stage at various open mics. As well as become the basis for my first podcasts I produced and hosted "The Traveling Flask Podcast". I have always been a very self driven individual as I completely taught myself how to record, edit and master the audio and video for my first podcasts. I'm a quick learner and am always looking to learn new things, so that I might be able to apply them to my craft. However being self taught can only take you so far, which is why I am now currently pursuing a bachelors degree in Media and Communications at Full Sail University. In the hope that I take the vast amount of knowledge and experience here at Full Sail and apply it to my own personal work.

As a content creator the thing that I strive for, more than anything else in this world is the ability to be creative and challenge myself with something new. Which is why over the past few months I have tried my hand at streaming in the form of my new gaming streaming show "Whos Got Mondays". Around the same time I also challenged myself to push the limits on my capabilities in the documentary realm. Filming my first mini-doc "The Project a study on the principles of climbing", which aimed to capture the soul of rock climbing and mindset of the average climber explaining to the audience why they think the way they do. 

I by nature am a very free spirited person, that has an appreciation for the adventure in life. When I'm not at school or working on a solo project chances are I'm out in nature, pushing my limits in the climbing gym, or partaking in the ultimate high of skydiving. I have lived a very fast and exciting life up to now, and as of right now  have no plans of stopping. Growing up films such as "Valley Uprising" really spoke to me as they illuminated this sense of adventure and instilled in me the drive to want to attain it. My hope is that I can continue to live life to the fullest and as a result create an exciting and compelling story to share with others, so that I might eventually inspire someone like myself to find their adventure.

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